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Engineering and Management Master62024 IngWi-logo   MAM MA_MA
prog acc system acc (planned) acc cluster
Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Deputy Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr.-Ing. Christian Gierend
Deputy Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr. Marco Günther

Mandatory Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Advanced Biotechnology MAM_24_V_1.06.BIT 1 3V+1S 5 Prof. Dr. Timo Gehring
Advanced Energy and Power Engineering MAM_24_V_3.07.ETV 3 2V+2U 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Gierend
Analysis and Instrumentation in Process Engineering MAM_24_V_1.07.AMV 1 2V+2P 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Gierend
Commercial Corporate Management MAM_24_A_2.02.KOU 2 2V+2S 5 Prof. Dr. Moritz Habschied
Decentralized Power Generation and Renewable Energy Systems MAM_24_V_2.09.DER 2 4SU+2P 4 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Sauer, M.Sc.
Digital Twin MAM_24_V_3.09.DZW 3 2V+1P+1PA 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Sauer, M.Sc.
Energy and Mass Transfer in Process Engineering MAM_24_V_1.05.ESV 1 4V+2PA 7 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Environmental Process Technology and Chemical Reaction Engineering MAM_24_V_2.08.UVR 2 3V+1S 5 Prof. Dr. Timo Gehring
Hydraulic Servo-Motors MAM_24_PE_2.04.SHY 2 2V+2U 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Gessat
Industrial Design, Ergonomics and Ethics MAM_24_PE_3.06.IEE 3 3V+2PA+1S 7 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Industrial Manufacturing 1 MAM_24_IP_1.08.IP1 1 2V+2S 5 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Industrial Manufacturing 2 MAM_24_IP_2.10.IP2 2 4V+4S 10 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Interdisciplinary Product Development MAM_24_PE_1.04.IPE 1 3SU+3PA 10 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Legislation and Regulation MAM_24_A_1.03.RER 1 3V+1U 5 Studienleitung
Master Thesis (with Research Colloquium) MAM_24_A_4.01.MAK 4 - 30 Studienleitung
Meetings, Negotiating and Intercultural Communication MAM_24_A_2.01.MNI 1 2S international course 2 Prof. Dr. Christine Sick
Motion Control Technology MAM_24_PE_2.05.BWT 2 3V+2P 5 Prof. Dr. Andrea Bohn
Plant Engineering and Component Selection MAM_24_V_2.07.ATK 2 4SU+2PA 6 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Product Development Using New Material Concepts MAM_24_PE_2.06.PEW 2 4V+2PA 8 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Production Systems 1 MAM_24_IP_1.09.PS1 1 1V+2SU+1P 5 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Production Systems 2 MAM_24_IP_2.11.PS2 1 5PA 8 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Production Systems 3 MAM_24_IP_3.10.PS3 3 5PA 7 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Production-Oriented Corporate Management MAM_24_M_3.05.POU 3 3V+1S 5 Prof. Dr. Andrea Bohn
Project Management MAM_24_V_3.08.PRM 3 4V 5 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Reading, Writing and Presenting for Academic Purposes MAM_24_A_3.02.RWP 2 2S 2 Prof. Dr. Christine Sick
Research and Development MAM_24_A_3.01.FEP 1 2PA 10 Studienleitung
The Statistics and Theory of Numerical Simulation MAM_24_A_1.01.MTS 1 5V+3U 8 Prof. Dr. Marco Günther

(27 modules)

Optional Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Current Methods in Molecular and Microbiology MAM. - 2V+1P 3 Prof. Dr. Timo Gehring
Experiment Design and Quality Control MAM. - 2V 3 Prof. Dr. Gerald Kroisandt
Labor Law MAM_19_2.2.24P241-0373 - - 2 Prof. Dr. Ralf Oetinger
Membranes and Membrane Processes MAM_19_2.2.25P241-0407 2 2SU 3 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Non-Linear Finite Elements MAM_19_2.2.26P241-0408 2 1SU+3PA 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ramona Hoffmann

(5 modules)

Summary ECTS per semester (mandatory courses)

Semester ECTS
1 77.00
2 55.00
3 40.00
4 30.00
[Fri Sep 27 01:20:30 CEST 2024, bkey=mm3, lang=en, sort=t]