HTW des Saarlandes
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Damian Weber
- Fakultät IngWi
Trusted Computing
NGSCB/Palladium/TCPA und DRM
Big Brother Everywhere?
English version
Was bedeuten NGSCB, Palladium, TCPA und DRM?
Mit Hilfe von NGSCB (next generation secure computing base), bisher
Palladium genannt,
möchte die Software- und Hollywood-Industrie unter dem Vorwand von
Urheberrecht und Kopierschutz gerne jeden PC auf der Welt online kontrollieren.
Die erste Version der entsprechenden Windows-Erweiterung
ist für 2005 geplant.
Es geht uns alle etwas an.
Die Hardware-Voraussetzung für NGSCB ist
TCPA (=Trusted Computing Platform Alliance), ein Design,
das unter Leitung von Intel von rund 200
Hardware-Herstellern unterstützt wird.
Damit wird Windows zu einem
DRM-OS = "Digital Rights Management Operating System",
das zugehörige Konzept ist schon
patentiert. Weitreichende
Konsequenzen sind bereits
Kommentierte Auszüge des Patentes finden sich in der
Eine recht frühe Beschreibung von Sinn und Nutzen eines solchen
Designs bzw. der dahinterstehenden Motive wurde von Ross Anderson in
Was sagen die Hersteller?
Lassen wir zunächst Intel zu Wort kommen:
"This is a new focus for the security community, [...]
The actual user of the PC - someone who can do anything they want
- is the enemy."
David Aucsmith, security architect for Intel,
as quoted in an article by Robert Lemos of ZD Network News,
Feburary 25, 1999
aus Trusted Computing: Trusted by Whom? von Eric Smith
Und wie preist Microsoft sein neues Kind?
Siehe hier.
Was ist daran beunruhigend?
Fragen wir Richard Stallman, den Gründer des
GNU Projekts
zur Entwicklung und Verbreitung freier Software.
Microsoft presents Palladium as a security measure, and claims
that it will protect against viruses, but this claim is evidently
false. A presentation by Microsoft Research in October 2002 stated
that one of the specifications of Palladium is that existing
operating systems and applications will continue to run; therefore,
viruses will continue to be able to do all the things that they
can do today.
When Microsoft speaks of "security" in connection with Palladium,
they do not mean what we normally mean by that word: protecting your
machine from things you do not want. They mean protecting your copies
of data on your machine from access by you in ways others do not
want. A slide in the presentation listed several types of secrets
Palladium could be used to keep, including "third party secrets"
and "user secrets" -- but it put "user secrets" in quotation marks,
recognizing that this is not what Palladium is really designed for.
The presentation made frequent use of other terms that we frequently
associate with the context of security, such as "attack," "malicious
code," "spoofing," as well as "trusted." None of them means what it
normally means. "Attack" doesn't mean someone trying to hurt you,
it means you trying to copy music. "Malicious code" means code
installed by you to do what someone else doesn't want your machine
to do. "Spoofing" doesn't mean someone fooling you, it means you
fooling Palladium. And so on.
aus Can you trust your computer? von Richard Stallman
NGSCB/Palladium/TCPA Links
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
- Was ist DRM ?
- Konsequenzen des DMCA
- Literatur: Litman, Digital Copyright: Protecting Intellectual Property on the Internet
- Behindert der DMCA die Forschung? Ja, siehe
The DMCA and the Regulation of Scientific Research
und Super-DMCA fears suppress security research
- RIAA verklagt vier Studenten wg. Verletzung des DMCA auf Schadensersatz von $97.800.000.000 (03.04.2003). Geschlossener Vergleich: $17.000 pro Person (01.05.2003).
[...] the DMCA will have a non-trivial impact on the conditions under
which such research takes place. Specifically, the DMCA will:
impose additional hurdles, which researchers must overcome before
engaging in and publishing their research; limit the universe of
individuals with whom researchers can freely communicate about
their research; require disclosure of the intention to engage in
research and the fruits of such research to third-parties; affect
the content of academic research papers; and limit avenues for
publication of the results of such research. Thus, even if academic
encryption researchers can continue to conduct and publish their
research under the DMCA without significant practical risk of
criminal or civil liability, the DMCA will significantly affect
the manner in which such research is conducted.
- Konsequenzen
von Hollings' Bill
- CBDTPA: Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act What is At Stake for Content Creators, Purveyors and Users?.
- Zu den Bemühungen der Musikindustrie, das Kopieren von CDs zu erschweren: Jim Peters. Corrupt audio discs, aka "copy-protected CDs".
- Eine FAQ zum Umfeld kopiergeschützter DVDs, aktuellen Gerichtsentscheidungen, Gesetzestexten und dem Entschlüsselungsprogramm DeCSS.
- CNN. Entwickler des DVD-Entschlüsselungsprogramms freigesprochen. Teen cleared in landmark DVD case.
- Heise-Newsticker: CD-Kopierschutz - Die Musikindustrie schadet sich selbst.
- Wie ist die Sicht der Künstler zu diesem Thema? Janis Ian. The internet debacle - an alternative view.
Fallout - a follow up to the internet debacle
- Ein Patent, um Palladium-basierten Software-Kopierschutz zu verhindern: Lucky Green. FAQ: How will Microsoft respond to Lucky's patent application?
- Die informationsethische Sicht der Copyright-Problematik: Rainer Kuhlen. Über die Möglichkeit eines informationsethischen Diskurses über geistiges Eigentum in der Informationsgesellschaft und der Chancen der Umsetzung seiner Argumente in politisch-rechtliche Kodifizierungen.
- Warum Intel's Prozessor ID Konzept scheiterte: Daniel Rubin. Intel backs off, disables pentium ID feature.
- Warum Apple kein Mitglied im TCPA-Konsortium ist: Daniel H. Steinberg. The near future of digital rights management.
- Weitere Maßnahmen im Digital Millennium Anti-Connectivity Act (DMACA), eigentlich ACCOPS=Author, Consumer, and Computer Owner Protection and Security
Freie Anwendungssoftware
- Big Brother Award 2002 die Auszeichnung für Unternehmen, die sich in besonderer Weise um die Mißachtung der Privatsphäre von Anwendern verdient machen
"1984" -- just another high-tech product plan with an over-optimistic
ship date. But it's finally in beta. -- Arnold Reinhold
Weitere Links
page updated Jun 5, 2019